Herdwick lambs are born pure black, turning a rich chocolate brown in their first year. As the ewes age they get paler, some becoming almost pure white but most remaining grey for the rest of their adult life. By separating these colours at shearing time it gives the opportunity of having yarn spun in different shades and therefore varying designs.

Once we have our separate colours at clipping the fleeces start their journey down to Yorkshire to be washed, carded, spun, woven and finally finished. This long process happens in the hands of craftsmen that like the farmers that have cared for the sheep, have employed the same traditional methods for many generations often with family-run businesses.

Herdwick Tweed is a wonderfully adaptable material, as well suited to upholstering a modern piece of furniture to being used as cloth for outerwear. It is warm, hypo allergenic, breathable and entirely natural. Traditional and stylish, grown and produced in Britain.